Monday, July 14, 2008


POST JURY DUTY: Well, it wasn't that painful after all. They called lunch at around noon and had then told us we didn't need to come back after lunch and our civic duty was taken care of for another year.

11:27am - First trial has just been called. They pulled about 15 people out to be screened in the courtroom. I'm still seated at my cubicle i staked out early this morning.

10:20am - Still waiting for something interesting to happen.

9:55am - First Break (20 minutes) - it was a very trying first portion of Jury Duty today. I had to wait in a long line to get past security, then we listened to orientation.

9:51am - You can forfeit your .34/mile in gas mileage for an MTA pass. They claim this pass is worth $14.

9:45am - On your second day of jury duty the LA superior court will pay $15/day + .34 per mile for gas mileage one way. Didn't the federal government just raise the required gas mileage paid to .585/mile (link) shouldn't the court be required to pay the IRS rate for gas mileage?

9:34am - This video is about 5 minutes longer than it should be. I'm reminded of a certain Veronica Mars episode where she is a juror on a trial. She broke all the rules they are telling me about in this video.

9:24am - During orientation the video "Jury: Ideals Made Real" screen. Moderator told us to turn off our cell phones during the video because they conflict with the tv system. All tv's are hardwired.

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