The building has been undergoing renovations for at least the past 6 months and probably longer. Looks like they still have a ways to go when you look in from Franklin. One bedrooms and Studios available - i have it on some authority that rents for studios with be in the $1250-1300 range and one bedrooms will be in the $1650 range and occupancy is slated for early April if everything goes well with the city ... so maybe sometime in July they might be moving people in.
I got an email about an open house this weekend - Saturday from 10-5 and Sunday from 11-5. Will be interesting to see what they did with the building.

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I'm a relocated resident of this building; promised a three month stay in temp housing.
Okay, I've been here two years.
Were I to comment on the ineptitude and shadiness of this building's owners, I'd go on for hours.
I'll spare you.
But, FYI: Studios are more realistically in the $1695 to $1900 range.
Is this really our hood?
It looks like the ineptitude of the current owners is showing through with a building doing nothing but sitting empty now. Would love to hear about the deal they cut with you to put you in temporary housing.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing
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