It turns out a similar project may already be in the works for the area. While i was casually browsing old minutes from the Hollywood United Neighborhood Council archives I happened upon a few mentions of a rather odd lot that now sits empty and looks like it is part of the freeway system.
I've included the text I'm talking about below but the gist of it from what i can gather is that the lot at Franklin and Ivar next to the freeway is up for sale from CalTrans for $897,000. One person wants to buy the land and make it a parking lot, someone wants to buy it and put up condos (freeway adjacent!), and Robyn Whitney thinks it would be a good idea to put a Music Park (with underground parking and an on-site caretaker?). I would really like to see the PowerPoint presentation she used to describe this project.
The project sounds awesomely ambitious and I'm all about it. Not sure if i can get behind 39 underground parking spaces (i read somewhere to construct underground parking it's $20,000 per spot - I'd provide a link if i could but i have no idea where i read it) but right now that lot is vacant with a few trees and a chain link fence. If someone could figure out a way to utilize this space and minimize the effect the freeway has on this stretch of Franklin lets go for it. I don't see those Quimby funds being used for anything else (Curbed and Downtown News have both reported on Downtown's lack of ability to spend Quimby fees)
Below is the information from the HUNC Meeting minutes I'm getting all my information from.
HUNC Board Meetings: Third Monday of the Month at 6:30pm at First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood
From the August 20th Meeting Minutes:
"The lot will be up for auction on Sept. 1st. Eric Garcetti will contribute $400,000 in Quimby Act funds. The money is not in hand, it’s coming later. So it can’t be given to CalTrans. The price for the lot is $897,000.00 with 10% down."
From the Sept. 17th Meeting Minutes
D. PS&T –
2. Update on the status of the lot on Franklin at Ivar,
a. Presentation by Robyn Whitney for a proposed use of the lot.
Robyn Whitney presented the concept of a Hollywood Dell Music Park for this site.
How this land might be used--some options:
- Leave as empty land
- Parking
- Park
- Condominiums –(26 units)
An innovative use would be a Music Park. H. B. Barnum, the benefactor, would like to leave a park on this site. This will be a private / public park partnership. Quimby funds could be used to purchase the lot. Developers contribute to Quimby Funds to help acquire green space. A caretaker will live on the premises. The site would have buildings and 39 parking spaces below ground. Robyn made a power-point presentation with diagrams and renderings showing the envisioned project.
She also noted that keeping it as a park would benefit Hollywood because State Law states that: “Once land is designated as a park it remains a park forever.” There is a need to form a Parks Advisory Board.
Robyn Whitney requested a support letter from HUNC to Tom LaBonge for the Hollywood Dell Music Park.
Motion: Gary Slossberg, “To support the Hollywood Dell Music Park and to write a letter of support to Tom LaBonge and the appropriate LA City and State officials.”
Second: Andrew Ettinger
Vote: Yes---11 No---0 Abs---1
Letter Drafted During Sept. 17th Meeting
Hollywood Music Park letter
Dear ______,
The Hollywood United Neighborhood Council would like to extend its enthusiastic support of the proposed Hollywood Dell Music Park to be built on the Caltrans empty lot at the intersection of Ivar Street, Franklin Blvd and the 101 Freeway. The park is an innovative and cost-effective way to create more green space in Hollywood and to celebrate the accomplishments of musicians and (_____________) in the Hollywood area.
We strongly encourage the City and State to make all efforts to provide the adequate funding to make the Hollywood Dell Music Park a reality.
In other park news, there's a movement underway to convert the Little Church of Hollywood (on argyle between Hollywood and Yucca), which burned down on Christmas eve, into green space with the help of Quimby funds.
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