Sunday, September 16, 2007


So i moved into my apartment last monday and when i walked in my kitchen was lacking a fridge of any sorts. which would be fairly normal for an apartment building except the lease i signed two weeks before i moved in stated they needed to provide a fridge.

I called up our acting manager to say "hey, where is my fridge" and all i got for an answer was "ohh yeah, i think they ordered that, not sure when it's coming"

I'm calling bullshit on that right now. They had a full 10 days from the point the old tenent moved out til i moved in and now i've been in the apartment for 7 days with no fridge. I'm starting to get upset.

On the plus side, i've been eating out for every meal and had a good opportunity to discover a few local eateries which i'll be highlighting as this blog moves forward. This whole no refridgerating thing is really starting to put a damper on many things i enjoy, like cooking food and drinking cold beer.

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